The Bible Says:
“Make no mention of the names of other gods; they shall not be heard on your lips.”
Yet, millions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims who say, "we believe in The Book"-- disobey.
GOD is angered by their disobedience.
He elaborated on this command in the book revealed to Moses (Torah Ex.23:13):
Satan smiles every time you make an appointment, and invoke the false gods, Janus,
Mars, Tui,
or Saturn.
the links under the names to see for yourself who you invoke using Satan's calendar references. Then, open your book to Exodus 23:13, and
discern whether or not, you are obeying your LORD'S command.
Dear People of The Book, use your brains.
The Gregorian calendar pleases Satan. He tricked mankind into disobeying THE CREATOR.
Be mindful. Just because a thing has been practiced for hundreds of years doesn't make it right.